Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Pointless Post?

The elephant in the room: Homosexuality and Religion.

I'm going to try my hardest to tie the two together, even though many believe that it is impossible, and that you can't have the two in the same equation.

I think it's good to understand religion before you shut it down and believe it's out to get you. Or that Religion doesn't accept homosexuals, along with the idea of homosexuality because it is believed to be a sin. Now, please bear in mind that just because religion says it is a sin, it NEVER said 'God no longer loves you.' That is not at all what it is saying.

Before I start getting all scriptural, please remember that I myself am gay. This isn't a post to slander religion, or to slander homosexuality. I am just giving you the facts on both sides.

Scripture says: 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."

No where in that verse does it say God will no longer love you.

And notice that in that verse, it says 'the wicked'. God considers these acts as wicked only if those in that verse do not change their ways. Rapists, criminals, etc. Jesus died on that cross so that forgiveness will be given to anyone who asks for it. If it is wrong, you ask for forgiveness, because God sent his son as the ultimate sacrifice for your sins.

Homosexuals, like myself, KNOW that the love God has for his children will not diminish no matter what sins we commit. However, it by no means say that God will not be angry. God frowns upon homosexuality because He created man and woman for a reason. As any good parent, he wants the ideal life for all of us. He sees it as WRONG because he gave us a specific route to follow. If he did not see it as wrong, why didn't he make everyone gay? Why did he create man and woman, and not man and man? (or vice versa?) 

Now, here is where Religion believes that homosexuality is a choice. Because God gave us a specific route (man and woman), religion believes that anyone who goes against it is doing it out of their own free will. God has no control over anyone--he doesn't make anyone do anything, we do it ourselves. Religion believes that we choose to go against the 'specified route for love', so therefore, homosexuality is a choice. 

That is what religion believes.

Being gay myself, the crazy idea that we CHOOSE to like the same gender is ridiculous. It is NOT a choice--just like it is not a choice that heterosexuals are attracted to the opposite sex. We just seem to feel more attraction towards the same sex than the opposite. That is a fact.

However, when homosexuals chime in and pridefully say it is not a choice, religion tries to find a way to explain it. Now, instead of just simply stating that homosexuality is a sin, like it did before, it says this: "Humans are curious creatures, and they love to experiment. So, if homosexuals seem to find attraction to the same sex, that's okay. Just as long as they don't act upon it. If they do, that is their choice, and therefore they will go to hell."

Now, we DO choose to have a lover, we DO choose to get married, and we DO choose to have children. It doesn't just happen, we choose it. But, religion doesn't understand that saying homosexuals should not act upon their feelings will leave them with the impression that:

Homosexuals cannot have a loving partner,
a family,
or equality.

Which is why homosexuals feel rejected, unwanted, and undesired. 

This is another fact.

Now, my opinion on both of these statements?

I believe that God gave us free will. I believe that although we do not control how we feel, we do control what we do about our feelings. If there are homosexuals who are religious, they understand that God is not okay with homosexuality. Does that mean that He does not continue to love us? No. Does He say that he will condemn us and refuse to call us His children? No. It says that He made a route, a specific route, so that it'll be easier on us. If we do not follow it, it is our choice.

I am gay. I like girls. That isn't something I can control. However, I can choose to date a girl, to marry a girl, to have a family with a girl, to die in the arms of my wife. These are my choices, my decisions. God doesn't agree with it, but He loves me just the same. In the end, it is up to you whether you are uncomfortable that God isn't okay with it, or you are just content with knowing that He continues to love you.

It is like a normal parent: they may not understand, or be okay with it, but they love you just the same. God DOES understand, but He isn't okay with it, yet He loves you just the same. Do not feel compelled or forced to like the opposite sex if it makes you uncomfortable.

God loves you. He wants you happy. If YOU believe that having a partner of the same sex will make you happy, then do it. Just remember, God didn't want that for you. But He understands that you are happy, and he loves you.

No matter what.

Phew, that was long. If you have any comments, please feel free to drop it. However, rude and disrespectful comments will be ignored. My opinion is my opinion, so respect it. Thank you.

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